"I'm finally down to that 69 kg range which I'm super happy about! Finally at that stage where everyone is noticing huge changes. Been getting people telling me I look better, and all that. All that aside, I'd like to thank you so much Igor for helping me go through with my first successful cut. I've found myself failing consistently to go through a successful cut for over a year but thanks to your guidance, I was able to pull through and stick to a lifestyle that ultimately helps me be the best version of myself."
Starting Weight:
Ending Weight:
Rate of Fat Loss:
Fat Loss + Muscle Gain
187.2 lbs
148.8 lbs
39 Weeks
1.0 lbs/week
"Just wanted to thank you, I had always thought of competing and after meeting you I felt more confident that I could bring together a good package. Today I took the stage with a smile on my face and put on a good show and walked off happy. Once again thanks for being my coach!"
Starting Weight:
Ending Weight:
Rate of Fat Loss:
Competition Prep
194 lbs
168 lbs
20 Weeks
1.3 lbs/week
"This transformation is exactly one year of running the program several times!! You’ve always inspired me and this program helped me achieve a physique I always knew possible!"
"I’ve been lifting all my life, but never had the motivation to really lose the fat and show all the progress. But this year I really smashed the diet and I’m in the best shape of my life. Appreciate your hard work and passion, I can feel you're genuinely out here to help others."
Starting Weight:
Ending Weight:
Rate of Fat Loss:
Fat Loss
237 lbs
166 lbs
9 Months
1.8 lbs/week
"Thank you for everything!"
Starting Weight:
Ending Weight:
Rate of Fat Loss:
Fat Loss
157.0 lbs
142.4 lbs
9 Weeks
1.6 lbs/week
" To say I am blown away by your services does not do it justice. Time and time again you went well beyond my expectations! The value that you offer is absurd and time and time again you go above and beyond. Examples being providing flexibility well beyond your duty, offering an interim maintenance plan, reworking workout plans when gyms closed and the level of encouragement offered... If I had to summarize your services in one word it would be professional."
Starting Weight:
Ending Weight:
Rate of Fat Loss:
Competition Prep
191.2 lbs
170.6 lbs
10 Weeks
2.06 lbs/week
"It’s been a very fast 12 weeks, thank you so much Igor! In the past I would be grinding at <2000 calories already by this weight and I’m still in shock at my body being able to lose 16 lbs or so on the same exact amount of calories! It’s been a pleasure sir."
Starting Weight:
Ending Weight:
Rate of Fat Loss:
Fat Loss
180.0 lbs
162.0 lbs
15 Weeks
1.20 lbs/week
"I finally got there! I got the visible six-pack! You helped me achieve something I never thought was possible. I used to always make excuses thinking that I didn't have "the right body type" for a six-pack. But you showed me the way. Thanks so much for all your guidance throughout this process. I know there's still more room for improvement, but so far, I'm extremely happy with the results."
Starting Weight:
Ending Weight:
Rate of Fat Loss:
Fat Loss + Muscle Gain
164 lbs
141 lbs
27 Weeks
0.85 lbs/week

"Igor. You don’t know how amazing it was to work with you. Your knowledge and patience was astounding. I started my journey at 245 pounds and ended at 149! You had a no bullshit approach but you were still patient with me. You definitely changed my life!"
Coach's comments: Charlie's progression is prime example of what can be accomplished when you combine a relentless work ethic with effective dietary and training strategies. Not everyone has the desire to go as far as reaching single-digit body fat % levels, but for his competition Charlie did just that and took 1st place!
Starting Weight:
Ending Weight:
Rate of Fat Loss:
Competition Prep
178.5 lbs
157.6 lbs
12 Weeks
1.7 lbs/week
More Testimonials
Ethan W.
I’ve been using your workout program for the last 2 weeks. Judging by how sore and wore out I am by the end of the day, I can tell that your program is WAY better than the routine I was doing before! Thanks again for taking the time and making me a great program!
Heather B.
I am in awe at your level of knowledge, experience and critical appraisal. Your book is also ace.
Andrew H.
I just want you to know that I still see you as the Youtuber/Influencer that really inspired me to see something in myself I never knew was there before. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your content. I attached a photo here I took this week sitting at my lowest body weight in 18-19 years (200.2 lbs today @ 6'2"). Again, thank you, thank you, thank you. You are making a difference in people's lives if I'm any indication and I'm passing it along helping others loose weight in turn!
Ignacio R.
First off I wanted to start by saying you have been a huge inspiration for me and I feel that I have learned so much from your videos and the way that you create content, as somebody who isn’t in a science related profession you have made it easy for even me to understand some very complex concepts in biomechanics and nutrition. On the 11th of January I had gastric sleeve surgery, I was 220lbs at the time of surgery and had gotten close to 230-235 during some periods of law school. Today, more than 8 months later I weigh 142lbs and am down more than 20% body fat. Cheers man and I hope you find some joy from knowing you in part have helped me during this process.
Andrew N.
I just had to reach out to you to thank you. I found your channel just about a year ago once I had enough with myself and how I felt and looked. Long story short I’ve tried diets before but nothing just as simple as counting calories and macros, I sorted through all your videos and really learned nutrition, how to manipulate all the variables and macronutrients and cardio time etc etc and more importantly have developed a true love for fitness and the gym. I’m 74lbs lighter and I sincerely have you and your effort and your YouTube channel to thank. I bought and have been using your Ultimate Hypertrophy program and absolutely love it. Just know the work you do TRULY changes lives forever and I’m living proof and I know there are many others, so just thank you so much for what you do and all the excitement and motivation and effort. I’ve tried every gimmick in the book and it wasn’t until I learned real nutrition from your information and WHY that got me the best looking I’ve ever been. Take care man and keep up the great work!
Carlos M.
First I wanted to say thank you for the help getting me ready for my first show. The show went great and I looked the best I've ever looked. I saw a lot of change through out this prep. Thanks again for all the help.
Luke T.
It's been huge. You've definitely helped me out a lot. I followed the program you sent me strictly. I kept watching your videos and I've been following your channel since before you had your Alphalete and my protein sponsorships. Your videos are so inspiring because you seem very real and down to earth unlike a lot of other channels out there. Again man, thank you. Just keep living your dream because your message does get through to people.
Jack D.
Hey man, I’m 18 and from England. I love your YouTube videos. They have helped with so much with my personal lifting. I though I would give your hypertrophy program a go. So far it's been kicking my butt, it's hard but in a good way and I'm seeing results which is excellent. Just want to let you know you’re doing a great job.
Andrew H.
I used your ultimate hypertrophy program when I first started lifting a few years ago, this transformation from a few years ago is exactly one year of running the program several times!! You’ve always inspired me and this program helped me achieve a physique I always knew possible!
Raimond C.
Your YouTube channel has been a huge help to me and I wanted to reach out and say thank you. I’ve lost 46kg following your advice and more importantly improved my nutrition and health. Love your work man, keep doing what you’re doing it really helps people like me.
Mikey G.
It’s been a while and just wanted to let you know that from the beginning of your coaching I added 200 lbs to my deadlift! Today I proudly just accomplished 375lbs deadlift! So thanks for everything Igor. I am very grateful for you being my coach bro!
I learned so much about my body, food, and exercise during this 16 week period. For the first time I feel like I can take control of my weight and health, and I never had the tools to do so prior to working with you. This experience has been invaluable, and your knowledge and support will continue to help me well into the future.
Orion S.
In short, I just wanted to thank you for your channel, your programs, and all the work you've been doing to help others become stronger and fitter. It's educational, it's entertaining, and, most of all, I feel like it's making a real positive difference in my life.
Alex C.
Just kinda wanted to say I think your videos are amazing, man. They’re extremely informative and backed up by tangible evidence, research, and most importantly, science. I watched your “13 things I wish I knew before I started lifting” video the other day, and even though I already knew everything in there, it made me think damn... if only I watched this video 3 years ago, it’s all the self-research and knowledge I’ve attained from years of lifting summed up in a 30 minute video lol, I could’ve had much more efficient workouts and knowledge had I watched that video. My friends and family who always ask me fitness/nutrition questions, I always refer them to your videos because I feel as if they all incorporate such important core basics and even advanced details of bodybuilding. So yeah, good shit man, keep it up!
Shane N.
You completely changed my life! I was completely lost and didn't know what to do. I spent a few months drinking and smoking every day and just wasting my life and then in August 2016 I saw one of your videos on YouTube. It really spoke to me and got me to go to your channel and watch a bunch of your videos and then I started working out consistently. I quit smoking and barley ever drink now. It helped me get over her and learn to love myself again.
Alexandru S.
I just purchased the Hybrid 5 program and the spreadsheet is looking awesome. As a feedback I really like how you've made this spreadsheet. Unlike other percentage-based programs (which are just for this single reason better than 99% of the other programs) you've made it pretty nice to select the movements you want to perform, the total volumes for back, chest, etc.., the estimated 1rm. Also, the progression tab looks very nice, and for a computer science guy, I think this is the best program I've seen in terms of organization.
Furkan F.
Hey Igor, big fan. I got Hybrid 5 a while back and saw some great gains from using it. By FAR my favorite program, 10/10. Recently, I took a break from your program because I got into calisthenics and cardio for the summer, and I couldn't find a way to incorporate them both to a solid workout program. Then I noticed you updated Hybrid 5 and it now incorporates calisthenics and cardio, which is EXACTLY what I was looking for. Cheers man, thanks for the great content.
Hasnaat A.
Honestly you were a brilliant coach to have, the advice you gave, the motivation and how you adjusted and communicated. I've had coaching previously and felt it was a waste of money, but I actually learnt over the past few weeks from you so thank you and keep it up.
Daniel B.
Just wanted to let you know how much of an inspiration you have been to me recently. I’m just starting out and figuring out what it is I need to do so I’m not explicitly following you so I can be a bodybuilder etc. However I find that your attitude towards hard work and not making excuses etc is inspiring. I’m recovering from a 6 month episode of binge eating and bulemia (both in the purging form but also the excessive exercise form) and I just wanted to say that watching videos where you express your views on not giving up or making excuses help me a lot when it comes to reminding myself why I’m trying to improve my nutrition. So long story short, whenever I find that I wanted to binge I just hear your voice reminding me that the world doesn’t give a shit and that anything I do is my own choice and I have to decide for myself if it’s good or bad. I would say that generally, 90% of the time, stops me from binging. Either way I just wanted to thank you for that.
Glenn R.
As you know I purchased the Hybrid 5 program right. So I completed round 4 of first cycle. Gotta say, this program is fucking insanely good. I've trained regularly for about 2 years now and my progress started to stall, always the weakest guy and I started to think I couldn’t get stronger. I’ve always been weak in deadlifts so I never actually trained it, now I have super good technique and I managed to do 15 reps at 120 kg.
Alex J.
Hey man, just wanted to get in touch and say thanks for all the info, regarding nutrition. Been training for over two years and know what I’m doing in the gym but haven’t really had any knowledge on nutrition till I started following you on Instagram. Cheers!
Kyle J.
Hybrid 5 is the best plan I have ever followed, I can really tell that a tonne of work has gone into it, and its been completely worth it. I'm loving the plan and the results that come with it. I'm over the moon with the progress, particularly in the squat and overhead press, as shoulders have always been my weakest body part, so to see them increasing in strength and size was incredibly motivating. I'm also following the lean bulking plan that you broke down in one of your videos, the combination of the plan and the diet has left me feeling great. I can't thank you enough for making this. Love the YouTube content too, keep up the hard work.
Cory W.
First thank you very much for making this program (Ultimate Hypertrophy) I love it. Honestly this program has done me wonders I've gone from meh lifter to getting comments I look like Thor so thanks man.
Eric Z.
Just some great feedback for you. Thank you for taking your time to create this plan for me. It certainly went above my expectations. Just a week into the program I'm already pushing myself and I feel a lot more motivated than I was before. I did some new exercises like the Romanian deadlifts and dumbbell lunges that I've never done before. I love that this program puts the focus on the compound exercises and has isolation in addition for hypertrophy. I've been going to the gym for years and I discovered I'm doing plenty of things wrong when it comes to strength and hypertrophy. Many thanks!
Chris H.
Hey Igor! Picked up hybrid 5 literally as soon as it dropped! Had the date marked off on my calendar! Just wanted to thank you for all of that hard work you put in! I know I speak for everyone when I say that the quality and time put into it is visible all throughout the program! Thank you for being such an inspiration to me and so many others!! Keep doing what your doing man!
V. V.
I'm getting huge results from your program. Big fan from Houston, Tx. Keep up the good work. I've watched everyone of your videos and I've made a massive change in my lifestyle. You're honestly the first youtube fitness channel I started following when I began my journey. I'm currently down 27 lbs in the last 3 months and many more to go. I'm by no means shredded but its a start in the right direction. Thanks for all the help and videos!
Todd J.
I messaged you a few days back about the program asking if it would suit me, I bought it and this first week of training already has me feeling like how I did when I started training about 6 months ago! Loving the burn and pump I get out of the upper body I've never had before. Keen to see the progress I have made at the end of this. Anyways big fan keep up the great work mate.
Holly D.
I love that you provide both informational and entertaining content. You are one of the reasons that I am considering beginning a PhD in nutritional/exercise science as you make it sound so interesting and exciting!
Ricardo R.
This program is great! Very detailed and easy to understand! I hope this, in some way, reaches schools, is part of nutrition and government goals on physical health, maybe even you get to work with community health centers and COPC/family physician folk alongside a team of epidemiologists and nutritionist. May you become a footnote on community health.
Francisco E.
I’m reaching to you just to thank you for all your work. The way you focus towards achieving what you really want is inspiring. I can say without a doubt that I’ve never felt this inspired. I think that what you do is amazing and believe in every word you say. Although there are a lot of fitness youtubers that only are in it for the rewards, I truly believe you want to reach others and help them become better selves. I can now say you've done it with myself as an example. Thanks again for being a down to earth human being and a great role model for us all.
Samer T.
You're the first single person that truly inspired me and provide so much valuable information. You are the real deal, you speak the truth and you know what? Speaking the truth and providing realistic goals and all that actually is a lot easier to accept than other bullshit you find online. I'm like you I can keep talking (typing) forever, so to keep it somehow short, keep doing what you do. Your charisma and sense of humor with the addition of the info you provide is everything. I truly respect you and you give hope for a lot of us. Keep going my man, just wanted to express my gratitude towards you.
Marc A.
I just wanted to say thank you so much for your YouTube videos which help me lose over 40 pounds (and still counting). I have been struggling with weight loss all my life. My genetics suck because my entire family is obese. I was on every diet you can think of and was never able to keep the weight off. I decided to do my own research and found your videos on YouTube. I was a bit nervous as there isn't many videos out there regarding people who start training at an older age (I am 44). I watched all of your videos, some even two or three times, it really improved my fitness, health, and physique. I just wanted to say thank you. You changed my life.
Colby P.
I've been on your Hybrid 5 program for about 5-6 months. I love it, absolutely love it. I love the excel document, periodization, progressive overloading, etc. it is the first time in the 7-8 years of lifting that I have had a program that focusses on these things instead of the typical "bro-split" stuff with not a lot of focus.
Blake W.
I bought the Ultimate Hypertrophy PDF the day you released it, great work!! I implemented it from then and I'm down 6lbs to 198lbs at 14.5% Bodyfat.
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