3-Phase Training Plan

7-Day Nutrition Plan

180-Page Book
Available in paperback or digital.

The Results:
Client Testimonials
Frequently Asked Questions
The short answer is YES. Although it would definitely be optimal to have access to a full commercial gym, it is not 100% necessary. Phase 1 in the Skinny Fat Solution training plan is exclusively focused on bodyweight training. This means 100% of the exercises programmed into this phase can be completed at home using nothing but 1-2 chairs and somewhere to do pull-ups.
In addition, phase 1 comes with two variations: regular and advanced. If you find the regular version too easy, simply switch to the advanced version - it contains more challenging exercise alternatives to those programmed into phase 1.
Being a beginner does not exclusively refer to those who have never stepped foot inside a gym. Beginners are simply those who have not yet gone through their “newbie gains” phase. This phase is when individuals can put on muscle very quickly due to their bodies never truly experiencing a strict, consistent and well-designed training and nutrition program.
Ask yourself:
- Have you been working out consistently for over a year?
- Have you built up a solid foundation of strength (such as being able to bench press your bodyweight)?
- Are you a relatively lean individual (no belly, no "muffin top", no “man boobs”, some visible muscle separation)?
If your answer to all three of these is YES, then you are probably not a good candidate for this program as you are not a true beginner. Alternatively, you should consider one of our more advanced training programs such as Ultimate Hypertrophy or Hybrid 5.
If your answer is NO to one or all three of these questions, then you are definitely a prime candidate for the Skinny Fat Solution!
The short answer is NO, because we will give you the option to do either macro tracking OR simply following a pre-made nutrition plan. Although learning to count macros/calories is an incredibly effective strategy and one that we highly recommend throughout the Skinny Fat Solution, we also understand that there are some people who do not like the idea of counting every single piece of food that goes into their mouth.
This is why this program includes a full, 7-day nutrition plan featuring 30+ simple meals which completely take the guesswork out of the equation. Just wake up, select one of the daily meal plans to follow that day, and watch the muscle pile on as you slowly melt away the body fat.
No, the paperback book is simply the digital course in paperback form. Some customers prefer to have something physical to read as opposed to staring at computer screens for hours at a time, so this way they have that option for a small additional fee.
The Skinny Fat Solution is composed of three parts:
- The majority of the course is hosted on Teachable.com, a website specifically optimized to present information in a format similar to what you’d expect in a school course.
- The training plan will be in PDF format. That way, you can download it directly to your mobile device or print out and bring with you to the gym and pencil in your reps, sets and weights.
- The bonus tools (strength tracker, macronutrient calculator and Hybrid 5 if you purchase the ultimate bundle) will come in the form of Microsoft Excel documents. These can be opened with typical spreadsheet software or Google Spreadsheets (100% free).
Because we are so sure you’ll love this program, we are pleased to offer a 15-day, no-questions-asked, 100% money-back guarantee on every purchase. If you would like a refund, simply send us an email at support@teamfitlife.com within 15 days of purchase and we will be happy to issue you a full refund immediately. The only exception is with purchases of the paperback or ultimate package as we do require that you return the paperback book (damage-free) before we can process your return.
Email us at support@teamfitlife.com and we will be happy to assist you!